
ALLESDICHT | 3 kg AD "Negro"

41,10 €
  • Plus delivery costs

  • Realisation time approx.

    ​​​​​1-3 days
  • 45,67 € / 1,11 piece / m² x 2 mm
  • (3,00 kg /  piece)

EAN: 4251469363373 | Item no.: 6337

ALLESDICHT is a single-component, water-dilutable dispersion based on rubber granules, suitable for brush, spray, and trowel application, and free from harmful substances. It is applied in 2 to 3 layers, each wet-on-dry, forming a highly adhesive, waterproof rubber sealing membrane after drying, with exceptional elasticity and excellent crack-bridging capabilities.

ALLESDICHT eliminates or prevents leaks on wood, tiles, metal sheets, fiber cement, bitumen, concrete, and sanded roofing membranes. Typical applications include roofing, terraces, balconies, gutters, swimming pools, ponds, water tanks, masonry, basement walls, and areas in contact with the ground.

ALLESDICHT has been tested for structural waterproofing and holds a general building inspection certificate: No. P-SAC 02 / 5.1 / 22 - 335.

Format 3 kg
Product type AD (Impermeabilización de capa gruesa altamente elástica | Capa de goma del cubo | Puenteo de fisuras | Diluir en agua, sin disolventes, sin betún | Aplicable con brocha, pulverización o llana)
Calculation of quantity
0 m2

The advantages of WARCO


Hygienically harmless for humans and animals

No prohibited pollutant emissions. Virtually odourless (initial odour evaporates).

Weatherproof - indoors and outdoors

Recommended for areas in buildings and in the open air. Avoid waterlogging and assure the water outlet.

Product properties