The better floor covering for Paths
Walking like on forest floor

Better walking on private and public paths

Driveway from the public road to a sloping garage, designed with rubber granulate slabs from WARCO.

Sidewalk slabs made of rubber granulate can be used to upgrade paths in gardens, housing estates, parks or inner-city areas: They become more attractive, more environmentally friendly, quieter and safer! Here you will find ideas and tips for designing paths and driveways.

  1. All advantages at a glance
  2. Weather-resistant - frost-proof - non-slip
  3. The walkway that prevents noise and protects against falls
  4. Clean and neat with self-cleaning effect
  5. Renovation or new construction of paths and access roads
  6. Examples and suggestions - paths and driveways
  7. Sustainable and good for the environment

Simply great

'We are delighted, quick and easy installation, odor was gone after two days, easy to clean, no more slipping. It was a good decision to buy this product, well worth the money. Very nice staff on the phone.'

Reinhard Lemke, November 27, 2019, Delivery dn236033nv

All advantages at a glance

  • The non-slip surface is non-slip in both dry and wet conditions.
  • A rubber granulate surface provides fall protection and prevents injuries.
  • The surface is well permeable to water, open to infiltration and dries quickly. No puddles form on the surface.
  • The excellent footfall sound insulation absorbs walking and rolling noises.
  • The paving slabs are weather and frost resistant for many years.
  • A path made of rubber granulate slabs is self-cleaning, but can also be cleaned by machine, high-pressure cleaner or water hose.
  • They are usually laid loosely on the subfloor without the need for special expertise.
  • Natural color design conveys a high-quality, elegant floor image.
  • Interlocking paving made of rubber granulate is compatible with BEHATON concrete paving.
  • Cars and vans, bicycles and scooters, wheelchairs and walking aids travel safely on rubber granulate

weather-resistant - frost-proof - non-slip

Slip-resistant and weatherproof WARCO rubber granulate paving slabs are laid on the path through the garden to the house entrance at the side of the house.

Gehwegplatten, Gehwegpflaster und Tiefborde von WARCO bestehen aus gebundenem Gummigranulat - einem besonders vorteilhaften Material für Bodenbeläge. Es ist leicht elastisch, dabei offenporig und wasserdurchlässig und hat eine feinkörnige, rutschhemmende Oberfläche.

WARCO paving slabs, pavers and deep kerbs are made of bonded rubber granulate - a particularly advantageous material for floor coverings. It is slightly elastic, open-pored and water-permeable and has a fine-grained, slip-resistant surface.

A driveway or path made of WARCO tiles is very pleasant to walk on, similar to a forest floor. In any weather - wet or dry - the non-slip surface is slip-resistant. A driveway made of TZ type slabs can be driven on by car, double T interlocking paving is also suitable for trucks and therefore for residential roads. And the surface can also be walked on safely with high heels - without getting stuck, sinking in or twisting.

All WARCO paving and paving slabs are highly weather-resistant. Heat in summer, cold in winter, frequent changes between frost and thaw - the paving can withstand all this without cracking, flaking or breaking. Even freezing water in the paving slabs cannot destroy them.

The most popular paving slabs from WARCO

Walk and roll quietly - the walkway that avoids noise and protects against falls

A red path with WARCO bone stones curves through a garden.

The clacking of high heels on asphalt or concrete paving is often perceived as disturbing during rest periods. It is even more annoying when a wheeled suitcase rumbles over the joints behind the person wearing high heels.

Thanks to the special properties of interlocking paving or rubber granulate paving slabs, hardly any noise is generated when walking or rolling. Vibrations are effectively damped. This means that shoes of all kinds walk very quietly on WARCO flooring. Inline skates, skateboards, bobby cars, shopping carts or scooters also roll almost inaudibly.

Falls are the number one cause of accidents in the home. The risk of injury is particularly high on smooth and hard floor surfaces, i.e. floors made of glazed tiles, painted or wet wood, artificial stone or polished granite.

With rubber granulate paving slabs, you can turn a dangerous path into a safe one. This is because, on the one hand, the rough slabs are slip-resistant and, on the other, they offer proven fall protection in the event of a fall.

Clean and well-maintained - WARCO flooring with self-cleaning effect

It is also easy to create a curved garden path with square slabs.

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. That's why the driveway and entrance area are a home's calling card. But they are also areas that are used all year round, whatever the weather. Sidewalk slabs - a typical application for rubber granulate coverings - must therefore be safe to walk on even in wet and slippery conditions.

However, a path should not only look good when new, but also be attractive, stable and easy to maintain in the long term. A WARCO floor made of rubber granulate remains permanently attractive with little maintenance. Light soiling is washed away by the next rain thanks to the self-cleaning effect. Coarse dirt can be removed with a water hose, broom, high-pressure cleaner or sweeper.

Ants and mice do not usually settle under WARCO flooring, as the water-permeable soil offers no protection from precipitation. Weeds and moss do not find any nutrients in WARCO tiles and therefore do not grow on the tiles or in the joints if properly maintained.

Renovation or new construction of paths and access roads

A man is in the process of creating a driveway on a surface covered with a car park grid.

WARCO's paving slabs and bone stones are laid floating, i.e. only laid on a base layer, but not screwed or glued to it. Installation is so simple that most customers do it themselves.

When renovating paths or entrance areas, the existing, level and load-bearing substrate, e.g. exposed aggregate concrete slabs, asphalt or concrete paving, is covered directly with WARCO paving slabs - often without any further preparatory work!

If a path in the garden or park or a driveway with parking spaces is newly built, a base layer made of plastic honeycomb mesh is recommended. This has several advantages:

  • The effort involved is considerably less than with a classic gravel base course.
  • The WARCO slabs lie much better on the honeycomb grids than on chippings.
  • The surface remains open to infiltration - precipitation seeps directly through the WARCO tiles into the subsoil - without further drainage.

Plastic honeycomb grids have a load-bearing capacity of up to 400 t/square meter!

Complementary products to the paving slabs and the rubber granulate bone stones

Examples and suggestions - paths and driveways

Green path through nursery leading to greenhouse. Warco paving slabs in green lined with beds of green plants.
Designing with paving slabs or interlocking paving

Create an organic and curved garden path. This looks much nicer than a straight, right-angled path, creates space for new perspectives and is a special highlight in your garden!

The 43 mm thick rubber interlocking paving is often used for multifunctional driveways, access roads, play areas, footpaths, carports and parking spaces. The rubber interlocking pavers are easy to drive on, even with lorries, dampen footfall and rolling noise and provide fall protection.

Driveway + entrance area + outdoor seating area - the multifunctional courtyard

Here, a customer has covered the entire courtyard of his vineyard with WARCO paving slabs. This area is not only used for parking and driving, but also for celebrating, working and playing. Access to the house is also via this area. The natural-looking WARCO slabs cover the ageing concrete of the courtyard area. The WARCO flooring is easy to keep clean, insulates against cold floors and impact noise and provides fall protection.

Floor covering as tyre protector

Tyre damage is an expensive nuisance for many owners of historic vehicles or collector's vehicles that are parked in one place for a long time. Of course, so-called tyre protectors can be placed underneath. However, it is much easier and more practical to design the entire surface as a tyre-protecting floor with elastic tiles from WARCO.

Weed-free handling around the house

Cleverly done! The pavement around the detached house was slightly raised, designed as a platform, paved with green bone stone composite paving and edged with deep kerbs made of rubber granulate. To make the lawn easy to mow and prevent it from growing into the walkway, a strip of rubber granulate slabs was laid in front of it.

WARCO floor coverings - sustainable and good for the environment

WARCO products consist of polyurethane-bonded rubber granules, essentially SBR or EPDM. The SBR is obtained from discarded car tires. This is therefore an actual recycling process, the tire rubber is given a second life and can be used again for many years.

WARCO only sources rubber granules and binders from responsible manufacturers in Germany, France and Switzerland - not from China.

WARCO floor coverings are naturally harmless to health. They pose no danger to groundwater - on the contrary. They protect the groundwater! They are open to infiltration and precipitation seeps naturally into the ground.

At the end of their service life, the panels can be easily disposed or thermally disposed of - or used as building protection mats or for vibration damping.

Your benefits - paving slabs and rubber interlocking pavers from WARCO

  • Robust, weather-resistant and frost-proof
  • Insulate heat, cold, vibrations and sound
  • Water-permeable and quick-drying
  • Easy to clean with self-cleaning effect
  • Slip-resistant - dry and wet
  • Easy to install - for new builds and renovations

Interlocking paving and bone mats made of rubber granulate

Universally applicable paving slabs

Sidewalk slabs for heavily frequented walkways

Kerb ramps, kerbs and block steps

Accessories for installation and assembly

Wall protection - skirting board Wall protection - skirting board

Wall protection - skirting board RL

Travertino Terracota Marruecos Granito claro Granito clásico Césped inglés +17 Farbvarianten

5,60 € / piece 7,47 € / lm

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